YAKS - traduction vers arabe
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YAKS - traduction vers arabe

Bos grunniens; Yaks; Tibetan ox; Tibetan oxen; Bos gruniens; Mongolian Yak; Domestic Yak; Bos grunniens grunniens; Yak meat; Poephagus grunniens; Pack yak; Almun yak; Poephagus; Bos mutus grunniens; Domestic yak; Yak milk; Dri
  • A domestic yak at [[Yamdrok Lake]].
  • Bronze model of yak from [[Gansu]], China. [[Yuan dynasty]], 1271–1368 AD
  • Tsomgo Lake]], [[Sikkim]] (3700 m)
  • Ten-day-old yak.
  • Yak racing



أُطْرُوفَة ; دُعَابَة ; طُرْفَة ; ظَرَافَة ; ظَرْف ; فُكَاهَة ; لَطِيفَة ; مُدَاعَبَة ; مُزَاح ; مَزْحَة ; نادِرَة ; نُكْتَة ; نَوَادِر



أُطْرُوفَة ; دُعَابَة ; طُرْفَة ; ظَرَافَة ; ظَرْف ; فُكَاهَة ; لَطِيفَة ; مُدَاعَبَة ; مُزَاح ; مَزْحَة ; نادِرَة ; نُكْتَة ; نَوَادِر

اسْم : الياك وهو ثور التيبت الضخم


Sarlyk, bubul, grunting-ox (Poephagus grunniens).



The domestic yak (Bos grunniens), also known as the Tartary ox, grunting ox or hairy cattle, is a species of long-haired domesticated cattle found throughout the Himalayan region of the Indian subcontinent, the Tibetan Plateau, Gilgit-Baltistan (Kashmir), Tajikistan and as far north as Mongolia and Siberia. It is descended from the wild yak (Bos mutus).

Exemples de prononciation pour YAKS
1. >> Todd: Milking the yaks.
A Cook's Tour and Medium Raw _ Anthony Bourdain _ Talks at Google
2. 28 great, big, powerful yaks
3. 'Cause the social yakity-yaks aren't
Temple Grandin _ Talks at Google
4. Yaks will never make a desert.
Man of Peace _ Robert Thurman _ Talks at Google
5. They're not out there with their yaks.
Man of Peace _ Robert Thurman _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour YAKS
1. Beyond the unfortunate yaks, there were no serious injuries.
2. "Really special," the president said after examining the yaks.
3. Yaks graze on open plains next to the runway at Shangri–La‘s airport.
4. Martin Yaks return back to Calgary with an appointment letter of Mr.
5. Visitors can hike or ride yaks through the Wakhan valley and look for Marco Polo sheep.